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Research Projects | Projetos de Pesquisa

I am currently leading a research project titled Concepts of God and the Variety of Theisms in Indian Traditions, funded by the John Templeton Foundation, that explores Indian concepts of God and their implication for a theistic theory of consciousness. Additionally, I am overseeing two projects funded by the Brazilian Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) that investigate the logic of concepts of God in general, with a particular focus on contradictory concepts of God.

Below is a list of my current and past research grants.

Eu atualmente coordeno o projeto Conceitos de Deus e a Variedade de Teísmos nas Tradições Indianas, financiado pela Fundação John Templeton, que examina conceitos Indianos de Deus e suas implicações para uma teoria teísta da consciência. Além disso, tambem coordeno dois projetos financiados pelo Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) que exploram a lógica dos conceitos de Deus, com ênfase particular em conceitos contraditórios de Deus.

Segue lista dos meus projetos de pesquisa atuais e passados.

(2023-2026) Research Grant. John Templeton Foundation. Project "Concepts of God and the Variety of Theisms in Indian Traditions: Towards a Theistic Theory of Consciousness." (#62954). $ 259,632.

​(2022-2025) Research Productivity Fellowship. Brazilian Council for Scientific and Technological Development. Project “Logic and the Concept of God”. R$ 60,000.

(2022-2025) Research Grant. Brazilian Council for Scientific and Technological Development. Project “Paraconsistency and the Concept of God”. R$ 16,000.

(2021-2023) Research Grant. John Templeton Foundation: The Global Philosophy of Religion Project (# 61613). Project “A Philosophical Approach to the Vaishnava Concept of God". £ 30,000.

(2020-2022) Research Grant. John Templeton Foundation: Supporting Constructive Research on the Existence of God in Portuguese-Speaking Latin America. Project “The Rationality of Theistic Belief and the Plausibility of the Concept of God” (#61556). R$ 80,000.

(2013-2017) Research Grant. Brazilian Council for Scientific and Technological Development. Project “Formal Methods in Philosophy: Applications of Logic to Philosophy of Religion”. R$ 15,000.

(2009-2012) Research Productivity Fellowship. Brazilian Council for Scientific and Technological Development. Project “Formal Methods in Philosophy”. R$ 32,400.

(2006-2009) Research Grant. Brazilian Council for Scientific and Technological Development. Project “Logic, Philosophy and Artificial Intelligence”. R$ 15,000.​​

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